andro-test and Semen Self-Exam: their importance in prevention and in the diagnostic process

  • Georgios Voulgaridis Hellenic Association of Spermatology
Keywords: andro-test, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, SpermLab’s criteria, semen analysis, semen self-exam, semen physiological values, aannual andrological checkup, urogenital infections, semen pathology, sperm morphology, men’s health


The andro-test is the only semen analysis which describes the health condition of the male genital tract and the only one qualified for diagnostic purposes. The physiological values defined are used to evaluate the relative risk mainly of having a urogenital tract infection. This study assesses the importance of the andro-test and of the Semen Self-Exam in the preventive checkup of men and in the andrological diagnostic process. It is proven that in almost 9 out of 10 cases (87,68%), if at least one of the semen parameters is outside the physiological values, a microbe is detected in the semen sample in exam. Inversely, it is also proven that in 98,76% of the samples where a microbe was detected, at least one of the parameters of the andro-test was outside the physiological values.

Author Biography

Georgios Voulgaridis, Hellenic Association of Spermatology

He studied Biology, obtaining specialization in Pathophysiology and Biostatistics. He has written a book in Human Reproduction, contributed in the writing and translation of others. His auctorial work includes also research studies in the Theory of Probability and Statistics in Greek and foreign press. He founded the non-profit organizations Hellenic Association of Spermatology, International Foundation of Spermatology and International Journal of Spermatology. Today, he is directing a Spermatology laboratory and he is most interested in Men’s Health aiming to promote scientific knowledge in Human Spermatology. He invented the andro-test© to promote the preventive checkup for men’s health. He also described the SPERMLAB's Criteria, the annual andrological checkup and the semen self-exam.
